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 Prison overflow, education and RX affordability


Generational stronghold and legacy bondage, stronghold to keep sickness and illness active



 High Suicide, drug abuse, stronghold of Baha’I, bondage and mesmerize stronghold by invitation


Generational stronghold and legacy bondage through invitation and deception to separate them from the purpose of God



Obesity, Alcohol substance abuse, suicide, Homelessness,

Identity crisis, mind binding strongholds, fear, generational curses, economic strongholds

Hub – 5 Stronghold 



Homelessness, No Health care 3 million, Immigration,

Injustice and equality, mesmerize spirit, tolerance bondage,



Heavy spiritual cult activity, land stronghold, cost of education, Mormon strong hold

Witchcraft, spiritual stronghold, land curses, legacy attack, mesmerized stronghold



 Pornography, education, air quality, child abuse

Demonic invasion through invitation, land curses, generation legacy attack for mental bondage



White Supremacy, injustice violations, education support and over crowded classes


Demonic attack through invitation, injustice violations, legacy generation under strongholds






Health plan forces to pay for abortions, children health care failed to renew,

Generational, economical and medical strongholds by invitation



Gambling, abortion rights, Health care, blood spell in the land, LGBT


Economic and medical stronghold, mesmerize stronghold, land curse, attack on the generations



Bad water, gambling, drug abuse, corporate corruption


Land curses, fear, economic stronghold through invitation, generation bondage

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